About Us
Our district is located in the scenic Sierra Foothills, 60 miles northeast of Sacramento, 12 miles west of Grass Valley in the communities of Lake Wildwood, Penn Valley, Smartsville and Rough & Ready.
The climate is mild with definite seasonal changes. Our supportive community is actively involved in the production and promotion of various community events including the arts, music, drama, and sports. Numerous recreational, outdoor and seasonal activities are available in the foothills and nearby Sierra Nevada Mountains. Tahoe/Truckee is just one hour away. The School Site Councils, Parents Clubs and the Roots & Wings Educational Foundation, as well as parents, volunteers and others play an active role in our schools.
We are a socio-economically diverse community which strongly supports education. This is an ideal place to live, work, and raise a family, while enjoying a rural lifestyle.
"Staff takes the time to know the families, and demonstrates that kids are important. I love the sense of community at the schools."
~Parent of Child in PVUESD

Experiential Learning
Penn Valley Schools also understand the value of experiential learning to supplement the critical time in the classroom. We offer field trips that span California from the coast to the mountains, expanding kids' horizons in ecology, geology, engineering, history, culture, arts, which include:
Sports Teams
Art Programs
Music Programs
Before & After School Programs
Student Councils
Experiential Field Trips
Enrichment Learning Opportunites